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Hourly Fee rates

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The fee earning staff at KDL Law are categorised for ease of identification of fee rates. The hourly rates charged by each fee earner for all work on any matter outside of the fees set out above are as shown below.

Time spent by representatives of KDL Law (which will include agents and third parties, such as Counsel, surveyors and other experts, appointed by KDL Law at our expense) in acting on a matter, including meeting our client or others, making and receiving telephone calls, drafting, writing and receiving letters/e-mails and other documents, reading or considering documents, processing third party payments, research, preparatory work, travelling, waiting, and attending hearings, and photocopying/printing by KDL Law staff or third party suppliers as necessary.

Hourly rates referred to in the table below are charged by units of 1/10 of an hour (1 unit = 6 minutes).

Partner: £310 - £350/Hour
Snr Solicitor/Senior CILEx: £290 - £320/Hour
Solicitor 1/CILEx: £235 - £260/Hour
Senior Executive*: £200 - £220/Hour
£170 - £190/Hour
Legal Administrator: £130 - £145/Hour

*Executives are persons with legal experience but who are not qualified solicitors or qualified Legal Executives (CILEx) unless described as such in their sign off.

Hourly rate charges are subject to VAT recovered at the prevailing rate and are exclusive of disbursements incurred in any matter.

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