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Enforcement options for unpaid money judgments

Where forfeiture, or the threat of forfeiture, is not available to a client, there are a number of other options to consider when trying to enforce payment where a debtor has failed to pay a money judgment. The most appropriate option will depend on the very specific circumstances of each case and,…

To consent or not to consent, that is the question… (Part One)

NOTE - The decision dealt with in this article was subject to appeal to, and ruling by, the Supreme Court on 6 May 2020 and so the up to date position is set out in our later articles here and further guidance here . The Court of Appeal’s recent decision in the case of Duval v 11-13 Randolph…

Options for Landlords to recover commercial service charges and rent

Increasingly residential developments now include a mixture of residential property in the form of houses and/or flats but also commercial units. Whilst KDL Law is well known for its expertise within the residential leasehold sector, we also advise clients in terms of their ability to recover…

FTT imposes irrelevant conditions to grant of dispensation

Where Section 20 of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1985 has not been followed or there has been some other failure in the consultation process when it comes to the carrying out of qualifying works (see here ), or qualifying works under qualifying long term agreements (see here ), or the entering into…

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