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**Warning** - Email sign-off may amount to a binding agreement!

In the recent case of Neocleous v Rees [2019] EWHC 2462(Ch) an email with an automatically generated signature was considered sufficient to bind the parties to an agreement for the transfer of land in settlement of a right of way dispute. This case is of particular relevance in an increasingly…

The Keeping of Pets

Whether you are finding tenants for landlord clients or managing a development, the issue of pets and whether or not the occupier of a property is able to keep them at the property is becoming a more common question. A response from the owner of a property is often “ I own my flat [or house] so who…

AirBnB Lettings - Permitted or Not?

As the presence of AirBnB and other similar short term letting agencies continue to grow rapidly across the country and specifically in London, we are being asked this question on a very regular basis. So, can the owner of a flat let it on short term agreements throughout the year without being in…

Does waiver preclude a landlord from obtaining a determination of the breach?

As you will likely know, a landlord who wishes to forfeit a lease for a breach by the leaseholder (for any matter other than rent arrears) is required by s.168(2) Commonhold and Leasehold Reform Act 2002 (“CLRA”) (or by s.81 of the Housing Act 1996 where the breach is non-payment of service…

Letting Property - Things to Consider

All flats and some freehold property (particularly those on managed estates) are subject to covenants affecting how the property is to be used and setting other rules in relation to, for example, if, when and to whom the property might be let. It is most important therefore for Property Owners and…

Who is your client?

This may sound like an odd question because, of course, you know who your client is as you will have undertaken due diligence checks upon receipt of instructions. However, despite that, it is always surprising how often we are asked by agents and clients to pursue defaulting lessees and upon…

Can a RTM Company grant consent under a lease?

In this Legal Update, we look at an issue that is commonly faced by right to manage companies in circumstances where: The RTM Company has acquired the right to manage a building; and A leaseholder of a flat within the building wishes to do something which requires the consent of the Landlord or…

Landlord’s refusal of consent - A cautionary tale about reliance upon the correct advice and properly pleading one’s case in the face of dispute.

This legal update discusses the case of Jacobs -v- Chalcot Crescent (Management) Company Limited [2024] EWHC 259 (Ch) which relates to an appeal against an order made in the County Court on the issue of whether a landlord had reasonably withheld its consent for alterations made by the leaseholder…

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